We offer several gatherings and events each month, dates vary so check back here each month to learn about exact dates:
Breastfeeding Support group
On the second Tuesday of each month, Gretchen Arnold (CLC & LeLeche League Leader) holds a free breastfeeding support group in our office from 10:00-11:00 am. During the gatherings we discuss breastfeeding, including bringing home baby, latching, benefits, challenges and so much more. Are you still pregnant? We encourage expecting mothers to attend the group in order to be prepared before the breastfeeding journey begins. This group is also a great way to connect with others who have experience and are willing to support in any way possible! Bring your babies (if you have them), your friends and any questions you may have! We hope to see you there!
Next group is on May 14th at 10:00 am
Pathways “Mostly Crunchy” moms group
Pathways Connect is a group of health oriented, somewhat earthy crunchy + mostly crunchy individuals who get together to talk all things holistic — and you don’t have to be a mom to attend. We are looking to connect with other like minded people & to learn healthy, holistic ways to improve our own health, our families, and to chat about all sorts of things. We meet every other month. If you are looking to connect with other like minded parents, please join us. Held from 11:00am-12:00pm. Come late, leave early, whatever works best for you.
Next group is on June 13th at 11:00 am.
Medical Thermography
Every other month we offer thermography diagnostic testing from Wellness Thermography. This is a form of zero-radiation, non-invasive breast and whole body thermography screening. It is safe for all ages, pregnancy, those with breast implants and lactating women. All images are interpreted by 3 Doctors of Medicine with the senior interpreter has PhD in oncology, gynocology and over 35 yrs of experience in thermography.
Next screening at our office is May 1st, 2024. Check her website above for more details.