Knowing Who You Are — Road ID’s
This month marks the four-year anniversary of my bike collision with a motorcycle, my three broken bones, and my body covered with road rash. For those of you who weren’t around then, I missed almost five months of practice as I recovered from that fateful day. I’m happy to say that I am alive to talk about it and recovered without too many problems (though my wrist will never be 100% again).
Though I was with friends that day, they were ahead of me and never knew the accident happened. The ambulance driver was able to get my contact information because of my Road ID — an ID badge that I had wrapped around my ankle. It contained my name, address, blood type, and emergency contact information in case of an accident. You wear those things “just in case” and well, that “just in case” was necessary. While I was conscious, it was easier for the paramedic to just get my information from that ID.
While I’ve always worn those ID’s, I now have several that I can wear — as they are applied to my running shoes or around my ankle (or your wrist if you prefer). Because of that accident, the company put my testimonial on their website (page 8 of the testimonials if you are looking). I think it is such a great product and isn’t only for athletes. What about little children, or any children for that matter? As a parent, why not buy one and put it on your children’s shoe in case something ever happens to them? Yes it is a scary thought to even think about that, but for a small amount of money you can have comfort in knowing that you or someone you care about, has identification on them.
It’s a smart investment.