Magic Story
I read this article the other day and thought I’d share it with you.
Yesterday I saw a TV commercial for an anti-inflammatory and pain relieving medication. I usually have a problem with these ads, because of their misleading nature, but this one turned out to be totally true. The ad was about a man who was playing in a Father and Son baseball game. His son was upset because his Dad’s knee pain was preventing him from playing full out like the other dads.
Then he took some of the medicine and he was able to play at the level that made both him and his son happy. The commercial ended with the father saying, “It works like magic!”
As I said, I am not usually in agreement with drug ads, but this one spoke the truth in a way I had never heard it stated before – “It works like magic!”
You see, the word “magic” can be defined as either “fooling someone,” “fooling nature” or “controlling nature.” Drugs work in exactly this way. They can “fool people” into believing their bodies are functioning just fine. This causes them to lose their awareness of warning signals their bodies are giving them to avoid certain things.
They also work by “fooling nature.” That is, they fool the natural adapting and healing mechanisms of the body into thinking that everything is fine. And, they work by “controlling nature.” In other words, they completely bypass the natural systems our Creator (God) has set up in your body to continually adapt, heal and grow you toward the full expression of your purpose and potential in life and cause something else to occur instead.
Think carefully about this now – Is that what you really want to do? Is that the choice you want to make for your family – to “fool” yourselves into a false feeling of security and comfort?
Chiropractic is not “magic” at all. In fact, the last thing we want to do is to “fool or control” anything! We know that God has placed within you and everyone else a Divine Perfection that always knows what to be and do in every situation. We call this perfection your Innate Intelligence.
We know that when this Inner Wisdom can express itself fully through your nerve system, whatever needs to heal first, will in fact heal first. We also know that if your body needs to warn you about a certain movement, position or activity, you will get that warning so that further damage can be avoided and healing may continue.
Lastly, we know that as you continue through your care and as you continually express your Life Force at higher levels, you will be able to progressively become more aware of what your purpose in life is and work toward the actualization of that purpose.
You see Chiropractic is not magic – on the contrary, it is a miracle! The miracle is in the ability to express the God-given Perfection that was placed in you at birth. Once this happens, there will never be a need for magic ever again.
Dr. Anquonette