Normal Headaches & Chiropractic care
Ever had a “normal” headache? It always amuses me when people say they get headaches, you know, “the normal ones.” Well, let me tell you there is nothing normal about a headache. Nothing.
Headaches can be caused from a variety of different things, including dehydration, food allergy, environmental toxins, vertebral subluxation, stress, as well as other things. Not everyone gets headaches, thus there is nothing normal about it. A headache is a sign that there is a problem, something is wrong and needs to be addressed.
We have had great success in helping people with headaches, especially if it is caused by subluxation, something chiropractors specialize in. Recently two different patients have told me they no longer have headaches. In fact, it happens so often that it is something I almost take for granted – yup, chiropractic can help. Sure there are times it can’t, but in many cases, adjustments, drinking more water, stress reduction and better posture all can help. However if you are subluxated, the body cannot function at its best potential and healing is affected.
Have a headache? Get checked by a chiropractor, it can make all the difference in the world.