Running injuries and chiropractic
Injuries – oh no! Now I’m not sure exactly what happened (though my husband would argue that it’s all my running), but my left foot has really been bothering me the past week. Well, maybe it’s been bothering me the past 2 months, but it has gotten worse the past week so I have decided to do something I don’t do much of. Actually, I’ve decided to do two things differently this month. What are they?
First is to take two weeks off from running. I am not someone who gets injured much so I am playing this injury very carefully. I do not want it to get worse and since the past week it’s actually hurt while running, I am going to stop. I’m four days into my “two weeks off” and I’m doing fine, but my darn heel still hurts! I know, for most people taking two weeks off would be easy, but it’s quite the challenge to me. I did go swimming (and will continue to do that), but hopefully avoiding the pounding on my heel will let it heal up. Standing on my feet all day doesn’t really help matters much, but I’ve got some good shoes and new orthotics, so hopefully that will help. And yes, I’m getting my spine adjusted and my foot adjusted as well (of course!).
The second thing I’m doing is a 9-day cleanse through Isagenix. I did this same cleanse last year and thought it was a good idea to do it now while I’m not exercising as much and while I’m in between bad holiday eating. Of course the intention is for my holiday eating at Christmas time to be under control, which I feel confident it will be. And this cleanse is good for my system in many ways.
Every now and then I fall into bad eating habits (“bad” by my standards), and doing cleanses/detoxes are a good way to get me back into healthy eating. I’ve done several different kinds over the years and feel each has a purpose and is specific for different people, so if you have any questions about it, please let me know.
So over the next few weeks I’ll be eating less and exercising less, and hoping my heel pain decreases. I have a heel spur that is slightly inflamed, so I am resting it, icing it several times a day, using Traumeel daily (homeopathic anti-inflammatory that we sell in the office), using cold laser on it whenever I am in the office, and am stretching my calf muscle more regularly. Hopefully all this will help and I’ll be back to running again soon.