X-ray Degeneration
Recently I posted this photo on our Stone Family Chiropractic Facebook page, that illustrated x-rays of two women in their 70’s. One had been under chiropractic care their entire life, one never (posted on July 20th).
Even if you don’t know what you are looking at, the difference is obvious. The messy looking x-ray is full of degeneration and someone who is in poor health. Since the nerves come off the spinal cord through spaces between those bones, how well do you think they are functioning if there is all that degeneration there and less space for those nerves to travel? This is full arthritis and people often say it’s a normal sign of aging. How do you explain that to the 70-year old that doesn’t have that arthritis?
Chiropractic care is not about pain; it’s about health and proper function. If you want a better chance of having a healthier life, regular chiropractic adjustments go a long way towards helping you. Since “regular” can mean different things to different people, in our mind, regular chiropractic care is weekly or at least every other week. Even if you have no symptoms, getting your spine checked and adjusted will go a long way towards prevention of problems. Yes it helps with pain relief, but more importantly, it helps with optimal function. When your body is functioning at its best, you have the best chance at being healthy, at fighting illness when it happens, and preventing future breakdown of problems.
If you don’t get your spine checked, why not? If you do, congratulations, your body appreciates it. What about your kids? Is everyone in your household getting adjusted?
Don’t let yourself be that 70-year old person with tremendous degeneration. While we encourage individuals of all ages to get checked, it’s never too late to start getting adjusted. That woman with all the arthritis will benefit in some way, though the best benefit would have been started much earlier (at birth is best!). We hope to see you soon.