Webster Technique
Recently we had a pregnant woman come to our office who had a baby in the breech position. She was 36 weeks pregnant and her doctor started talking C-section. She came in, we took her health history and performed a chiropractic examination, and adjusted her. After three visits performing the Webster’s Technique, she called to tell us the OB reported the baby was head down. Yay!
It’s always exciting when a pregnant woman comes into our office, and you have the opportunity to help her. At this point, no c-section is planned and neither is the external version technique that OB’s often try. Chiropractic care can make a huge difference for pregnant woman, and for everyone for that matter. In this case in particular, performing the Webster Technique made the difference. If you know someone who is pregnant, refer them to a chiropractor who is certified in prenatal chiropractic and can perform the Webster Technique. It can save that woman from having major abdominal surgery, which is what a c-section is.
Chiropractic care & pregnancy go very well together. Tell others about it and let them know we can help them!