Are you asking questions?
I remember in March/April 2020 hearing stories about how vaccinations were going to be forced on everyone, how you wouldn’t be able to get a driver’s license, or health insurance, or go grocery shopping if you didn’t have a shot. I was told about a child pornography ring that involved the Clintons and many other famous people. I heard about someone named Q who was really in charge of all this. I questioned so much of it, it seemed all so far-fetched to be true. But then I started reading more, and listening to podcasts, and my eyes and ears opened. And then we had the election, or what we call an election, but really was nothing like that. And I realized the depth of the swamp. And the corruption. And soon things all started coming together, and the conspiracy theories no longer were theories. Things were all making sense, yet they were still freaking crazy. And I just read, listened, and observed.
And here we are almost two years later, and it’s all still going on. It’s like a bad nightmare. The world is changing, and we are on a slow train ride with no end in sight. As a country we are losing our first amendment, as too many things are being censored and the truth is being hidden. Our second amendment is being threatened to be taken away, and our freedoms are slowly disappearing. Do people know what’s going on? Do people care? Goodness I really hope so, but sometimes it’s easier to do nothing (which most people are doing) and to just carry on.
For those of you who are realizing that things just don’t seem right and/or have an open mind, I ask you to start asking questions. And here are some to start with …
- Why are things being censored?
- Why won’t they let Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine be used as treatments for Covid?
- Why are they so hard to get?
- If the shot does not stop transmission of Covid, then why does everyone have to get it?
- Are you someone who got one or even three shots, and still got Covid? Doesn’t that just tick you off since you thought you were safe because you got the shot?
- Do you think that a vaccine that does not prevent transmission of this disease, will end this pandemic?
- Did you know that these shots aren’t FDA approved here in the USA? The one that is FDA approved (Comirnaty) is not even available in the USA. So, did you know that if you get this injection, that its purely experimental?
- Why is the vaccine being recommended for children ages 5-11 when the death rate for that age range is less than 0.0005%?
- Since when is myocarditis (heart inflammation), blood clots and stroke
normal in children? - What do you think will end this pandemic? Boosters every 6 months forever? Total lockdown and control? Or something else?
- Do you think that wearing a surgical or cloth mask will block the Covid virus? Do you know the diameter of the coronavirus in microns? And will that tiny size fit through a mask?
- Did you know, according to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), that over 16,000 people have DIED from getting this vaccine in 2021 alone?
- In more than 30 years of reporting side effects and deaths in the VAERS database, there were 9,000 deaths from ALL vaccines. Now in less than a year, there were more than 16,000 deaths from the Covid shot. (And that is referenced from November, so the number is probably higher).
- Did you know that in the mid 70’s when the new Swine Flu vaccine came out, 26 people died from the shot, so they stopped it right away. Isn’t it strange that this Covid shot hasn’t been pulled from the market considering it’s killed far more than 26 people (more like killed 16,000 people)?
- Have you watched (or listened to) Glenn Beck’s “Crimes or Cover Up”? (it is 2 hours and may take you a few days to get through it, but it’s totally worth it)
- What about listened to Joe Rogan Experience podcast on Spotify, and his interview with Robert Malone (#1757) and Peter McCullough (#1747)?
- If the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission and won’t prevent someone else from getting Covid, then why is there a mandate? What’s the point of forcing it, if it doesn’t stop you from getting it or giving Covid to someone else?
- Are you taking these supplements every day, and if not, do you at least have them in your house? Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc & Quercetin. (And FYI, Zinc works to block the reproduction of the virus in your cells, pretty important supplement don’t you think?)
- Are you tired of my questions?
These are just things that I think about and I encourage you to ask. The last time I wrote up a controversial post like this I was pleasantly surprised as to how many people complimented me on it and was happy that I took the time to write about it. I’m not writing this to appear as a jerk or someone who is uncaring (quite opposite actually), I’m writing it to hopefully encourage one more person to wake up to what’s going on and to ask questions, and not simply comply. I’m stepping out and trying to slowly educate people and open their minds as to what is going on. I can support you with references, websites, podcasts and more. And at the same time, I can keep my focus on healthcare and the nervous system when I’m in the office, but if you have questions or compliments, please let me know. And if you disagree with me, you can also let me know.