Vertigo & Chiropractic Care
Vertigo – have you ever experienced it? If you have, you know how annoying it is, often times debilitating, resulting in not wanting to move or leave your home. People with vertigo experience episodes of dizziness & a sensation of head spinning or swaying. A person can feel as if objects around them are moving when they actually are not. Often times it can come on suddenly and be gone in 15 seconds. Sometimes it is longer.
We’ve adjusted many people over the years who experience vertigo, and recently wrote up a case study on adjusting a woman who had been experiencing vertigo. The following is an excerpt of the published paper:
‘In conclusion, this case features the successful resolution of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) through subluxation-based chiropractic management. The various connections between vertebral subluxation, the vestibular system, and altered neurological responses have been explored. It is therefore suggested that those suffering with vertigo seek chiropractic care before …..” August 2016 Ask us if you are interested in the full article.
When was your last chiropractic visit? If you are subluxated, your body simply will not perform at its best.