Goodbye 2020
Goodbye 2020, thank goodness you are gone. It has been a different and difficult year. While the transition to 2021 is really only a day (actually only seconds), so many people are really looking forward to the New Year, imagining things being different if not better. But will they be? What can we expect this year? Of course, no one knows.
There were challenges for everyone in some way, yet these challenges help us grow and become stronger. Did you get better & stronger this year or did the opposite happen? Or was there a combination of things? There were so many things that I really hated about 2020, yet I try to focus on the good things that happened. So here I’ll tell you about the “good & bad” in my life during the past year:
I didn’t do nearly as much traveling as normal (except an amazing trip to Costa Rica in January prior to things going crazy). I didn’t go to any sporting events…(not that there were any we could go to). Actually, I did go to the Red Sox spring training in March, just the weekend before it all was cancelled, but nothing after that. I only ran in two races, one in March and one in December. I did one virtual race, and see no reason to pay money to run in my neighborhood pretending there was a race, so I didn’t do any other virtual races. I worked out a lot less, I ran less mileage and I barely even swam. Unfortunately, I was also often angry at the world. And there were plenty of other places I did not go to, things we did not did. Not because of a fear of Covid, but for other reasons (ask me).
However, as a result of all that “not doing and not going”, I saved a lot of money. I built up more in my savings account. And that is good. I cooked a lot more (but I still don’t like it). I did more yoga and bought a mountain bike. I started to teach Perinatal Chiropractic Care with Webster Technique Certification for the ICPA and I realize how much I love teaching. I spent more time with my husband & son. The majority of my husband’s travels were cancelled, so he was home a lot more, and we got along fine (seriously, divorces are up this year because people are forced home, and I’m so glad that I’m in a good relationship). I spent more one-on-one time with my son. I taught him a lot more. And, I got a lot more sleep. I know that lack of sleep will weaken the immune system, so I focused on getting more sleep than normal. And I became aware of all the corruption in our country and our world. Not sure if that is good or bad, but I certainly woke up & paid attention to all that’s going on. It’s sad & shocking (and I hope & pray it changes….)
And lastly, on a very positive note, my business did well. The animal chiropractic part grew a lot. The “human” chiropractic stayed steady. And for that, I am so grateful. People realize how important chiropractic care is for getting and staying healthy, and so many kept chiropractic care in their lives. Regular adjustments help remove & reduce interference to the nervous system, and a properly functioning nervous system is important for optimal health. I continued to talk to patients about the importance of creating a healthy body, of eating properly, of getting adjusted. Many people thanked me for talking sense into them, for being rational, for supporting them and for being a place of sanity in a crazy world. And I’m so thankful for those people who came into our office and shared that with me.
So, adios 2020 … I hope that 2021 is better, and that I continue to stand up for myself, for my family, for my patients and friends. Let’s make health & happiness a priority – and I will do my best to continue to share positive things, to inspire, to educate & to love those people I’m in contact with daily.